"Thats it! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"
Samuel L. Jackson as FBI Agent
The whole experience was just like a roller-coaster ride. You have some introduction of gore when Kim hits the chief prosecutor of LA's head like a pinata. The inevitable witness chase and eventual deception at the Honolulu airport follows panning to the spraying of pheromones on the lei's for each departing passenger. Then as the plane takes off the timer starts which breaks open the container of venomous snakes from all over the globe.
So there's a red collored and black striped one coming out the air ducts, a blueish one that waits around to strike and crawls up a fat lady's dress while she snores, lots of them are in the overhead containers. They start striking left and right, and one even just crawls over a dropped lei. Perhaps the best was the python that dropped from the skylights, eating the dog, and wrapping itself on the snobbish wimp at first class. Crush crush gulp!
People were just shrieking, nervously laughing, and making some other odd noise all around us. Hey, who hasn't ridden on a plane? Thats the beauty of this movie. Eventually Jackson utters the tag line and everybody yells "YEAH!".
One other lesson from the movie is that all the flight simulators out there starting with Chuck Yeager's are quite realistic and will indeed provide you with some basics of commercial flight. The same thing was also shown in another movie, Toys starring Robin Williams where the general trains young boys on flight simulation games for warfare. And then we have real life, looking back at 9/11 with Microsoft Flight Simulator taking out the Twin Towers from succeeding revisions.
Yes, simulators have gone a long way these days. Thank god for the PlayStation!
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