Friday, August 11, 2006

Hardrock: iDefense @ the Body English

Right so supposedly no work-related posts, eh? Buy this was an excellent party sponsored by Ken D. and it would be a shame not to post a few snaps.

On the left we've already been plied by a few drinks from Laura N. who dared us on double shots of cuervo. Chugulug!
We're not going down there without a reason or a gal, so who better to take than JJ who's still the coolest? Yes, she alsoowns the camera :-)
Notice the orange band? Was kinda weird but it did mean we had no worries on drinks. Thanks again Ken.

Oh yeah, why the center stage? It was a dare.

We should have pulled Aldrich dM. in here as well. TM does know how to party.

Rocking old style moves still had some guy giving us high fives. Go figure.

Time for dinner, this is all exhausting .... Posted by Picasa

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