Monday, July 03, 2006

52-hours and counting ...

Something happened last Friday morning. The important work data had just arrived and I was about to write up my ideas.

Alas, the blue screen of death showed up and ate my time. Seems my hard disk wasn't being recognized and Windows XP refused to boot!

I spent all day looking into how to create a boot disk with supported drivers for NTFS.

Since it was the stock disk of about 40GB, with about 10GB left spare there wasn't anything to do or place to put the backup data. I ended up puttig my hands in the air (no, not waving like I just don't care -- since I do very much for all the pix and memories stored in my data folder). I was upset.

Next day, I waited on for a couple of my pals to drop by. Fry's was on the way back through Burbank and about 10-minutes out from the sign. Perfect.

At Fry's I took out my trusty Nokia 9500 communicator and pulled up Spreadsheet. Hey, if you're in a place where they sell everything for bulk, why not compute which is the better and cheaper bargain per GB of hard disk data? At first glance the Terrabyte-sized stations should be worth the bang but in reality they averaged about 80-cents per Gig versus the smaller hard disk sizes arond 250GB which were being sold comparably at around 35-cents to the Gig. Plus, Maxtor (which I realized later was actually Seagate owned already) was being sold at bargain 300GB for about $86. SOLD!

On the way out I grabbed myself an external IDE to USB powered cable (less enclosure) and a multi-socket heavy duty port. All in all, it was about $100 even for everything.

Next up, backup software. I've got it running now and its due in a few hours. Updates on that later and what software chosen and why. Laterzzzzzzzzz ......

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